Circular Economy Awareness App

by Danmar Computers LLC



In the current context of overloading and exploitation of the environment and its resources, the circular economy emerges as a solution to counteract these effects, enabling economic growth without damaging the environment or depleting natural resources through reuse, use of resources and waste reduction.Are you interested in learning about effective waste management strategies and increasing your awareness on the topics of circular economy?The Circular Economy Awareness App is designed for you.The use of the mobile app will create awareness of the circular economy and the need to implement related measures in day-to-day activities of companies and organisations. It is however, intended for anyone that is interested in raising awareness on effective waste management. Therefore, the app supports conveying the message of incorporating aspects of circular economy in day-to-day activities of companies and organisations, but also any individual. The Circular Economy Awareness App is composed of three main parts: learning pills, strategy maker and footprint tracker. The first part, learning pills, is built of content that can be further studied online through the digital crash course. In the app only the most important aspects are included, highlighting the key messages and concepts on 7 topics:1. Recycling from consumption2. Recycling from manufacturing. Refurbishing/remanufacture (up-cycling)3. Managerial practices for circular economy business models4. Reuse/ redistribution5. Usage optimization/maintenance6. Sustainable design7. Use waste as a resourceApart from the learning pills, each of the seven topics has a short quiz that enables users to check their knowledge of the specific aspects of circular economy. The second part, strategy maker, supports to creation of own strategies that once followed will support them in the transition process of being more aware of the circular economy aspects. The third part of the app, the footprint tracker, is a semi-gamified experience, where the user can check specific actions that were taken or implemented by them and see how it translates, for example, to water savings.